TAX Services We Offer :

1. Tax Consultation
We provide tax consultation either oral or written, providing the right solution and in accordance with the provisions of tax laws applicable.

2. Tax Objection
Accompany the client in Tax Objection process, give an explanation to fiscuss to get the verdict in the form of the Decree of Tax Objection.

3. Tax Compliance
Bitmap the fulfilling the Monthly Tax Compliance is according to legislation tax, including the calculating, preparing, and lodge this tax return to the Tax Office.

4. Tax Appeal
Accompany the client in Tax Appeal process until finish and providing an explanation to the judge, until get the results of Tax Appeal Decision.

5. Tax Planning And Management
We compile the tax planning and tax management and streamline the tax burden in accordance with applicable TAX REVIEW Review and analyze financial statements of the taxpayer in terms of taxation aspects, as well as calculate the tax due before Tax Audit.

6. Tax Administration
To fulfill the administrative requirements of taxation in accordance with tax laws, such as Tax ID Number’s branch application, letters of the Entrepreneur Taxable Number, change your address of residence or business location, tax exemption certificate, VAT centralization, etc.

7. Tax Refund
Accompany the client in process of tax refunds of tax payers in accordance with the provisions of statutory tax law and regulations.

8. Tax Assistance
Accompany the client in tax audit process until finish, including providing an explanation for the results of tax audit, to get the gods.

9. Systems And Tax Designs
Develop systems and procedures in accordance with the type of business and the taxpayer needs.

10. Tax Training
Conduct training in corporate taxation in order to enhance employee skills and knowledge in taxation, both general and specific topics such as transfer pricing.